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Quick Takes: Encouragement When Doubt Rolls In

Updated: Aug 6

We homeschool moms tend to be pretty hard on ourselves, expecting to give more than we possibly can, and feeling like failures when we feel we have fallen short. Here are a few things I'd tell my younger self if I could. I hope you find them helpful if you are struggling with discouragement.


You CAN do this. Teaching your children is your God-given right and responsibility. You actually have what it takes!!


Slow down! Take a deep breath. Slow and steady wins the race; more importantly, it’s not actually a race.


You do not have to know everything. Take time to learn what you need to. It is a blessing and gift to learn right alongside your children. It is good for our children to see us experience the wonder of learning.


It is ok to keep trying until you find the right fit. Don't give up. Persevere in finding the best curriculum for your child’s needs.


Don't listen to the naysayers. We all have them; those who question how many children we have, staying home with our children, and (gasp!) homeschooling them. Listen to your gut and most importantly The Holy Spirit. You owe the naysayers nothing. You will never have to answer to them. Be confident in your decision to homeschool your precious children.


No one else can know or love your child the way you can. Who better to teach them than their own parents?


When days become difficult because you have children with learning issues, in the midst of being overwhelmed by it, stop and thank God they are home with YOU. You will love and care for your children far better than anyone.


Remember, you are not alone. “The One Who calls you is Faithful and He will do it.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24


“We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful.” — St. Teresa of Calcutta

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

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